Standard family photo. Note the fabulous boots I'm wearing...they are my mother-in-law's and i COVET them!!! I know, i know, thou shalt not. But seriously i want these boots!! :)
Easter morn
The Monday before Easter Sunday Michael & I had a family day for Sapper company and there we found out that Michael had a 4-day pass for Easter weekend. We were discussing plans and another lt & his wife were talking about heading to new then we decided what the heck, why don't we go out there too! It's only a mere 700 mi trip (aka 12 hrs) so why not. Under 1000 miles = close proximity to family when you;re in the military. because hey, 12 hrs is doable, 28 hrs is a bit trickier (yes that's how far away my fam is...bummer dude) So anyways, we packed up and headed up to new mex as soon as Mike was done with work. We had a great weekend! It totally flew by. It went from snowing and cold on Friday to hot and sunny on Easter. We hiked, visited, played cards, ate carb-less foods, dyed eggs and helped rearrange furniture! If you actually have the blessing of living close to your parents..don't whine, be grateful!
My favorite part of the trip was relaxing in new mex...watching gabe interact with his Grandparents.
My least favorite part of the trip: Michael running over a cat with the truck and Gabe screaming the entire last 10 miles!
Easter brunch calls for china! And fresh tea and a fabulous feta frittata. Did Michael put green chile on his? Yes. Did i put ketchup on mine? Absolutely. Were very classy.
We opted not to use the stickers for egg Michael found another use...decorating Gabe's face. It went better putting them on than taking them off.
Cutest lil' bunny around!
Gabe exploring the bottom part to the Sr. Nulk's new snazzy fountain that i sort of want in my bedroom!
dinner outside in while watching the sunset? Sounds glorious
Some were not invited to the outdoor activities...
Just put a sombrero on us and say HOLA! We bought these at a truck stop on our trip out...they were $6. Best $6 we ever spent. Seriously they're warm and delightful. And frankly, i think they should come back in style.
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