Whose the cutest 1 yr old around? THIS GUY!! I can't believe I'm 24 and have a 1 yr old! Yikes! The official party will be when Daddy gets home which is very soon people. Get excited!!!
His favorite things to do right now are...
1). crawl everywhere
2). stand and walk along furniture and the walls
3). try to get the dog water
4). try to get every cord imaginable
5). warm milk
6). giggling and babbling
7). open and shut cabinets, drawers, doors...(etc)
8). feed himself finger foods- he pretty much will eat anything if i cut it up bite size.
9). torture Winston
10). follow me around the house
11). things with string or rope
12). standing in his crib
13). exhausting mommy
14). getting food up his nose
Okay i could probably go on but i am le tired. That's a nutshell of what he's up to recently. Bye bye my mellow baby who sat and played with his toys (ah i miss those days)...hello mr. mobile whose into everything! Good thing he's the cutest baby in the whole world and has enough sweet moments to make up for his insatiable curiosity! Michael is getting home just in time!
what an awesome lil man! we do make good lookin babies!...;)
Happy Birthday Gabe the Babe!
He sure has alot of things he is working on for a 1 year old. Can't wait to help him out some more. nygrandpa
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