Hello all!
Sorry the blog has been lame and not updated forever. But can you blame us? We've been trying to sell our house, socialize and work on projects constantly! A few weekends ago my parents came for a visit as did Uncle Greg. I'll reward you all with some pics since it's been so long. Get ready for picture overload!!
32nd Anniversary Dinner for the parents!
Anniversary/Birthday Ice cream cake
Chubbo in the Tubbo
Gabe in Stillhouse Lake with Daddy. Swinging with Gramppy
Gabe & his buddy Holley-pano at the Holley Ranch
Amazing field of Indian Paintbrush wildflowers. Micheal was nice enough to stop and let us take some pics!
Uncle Greg came to visit too! We'll have to photoshop in Uncle WEsdawg
We had a WONDERFUL Time. Love Ya!
Gabe is almost as tall as Uncle Greg haha
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